Urinal Block NZ Suppliers & Bulk Distributors

Where to buy Urinal Blocks in NZ

We have compiled a list of Urinal Block suppliers in NZ, including: Urinal deodoriser blocks, Urinal scented blocks, Urinal Deodorant Blocks, Urinal Cakes, Toilet Blocks, Commercial Janitorial, Wash Room & Hygiene Products.

Looking for a particular Urinal Block to purchase

Simply use the search box, then use the suppliers website link to enquire or for prices. The businesses listed that supply Urinal Blocks for sale, have a genuine New Zealand presence.

Product Description
Deodorant Blocks - Urinal cleaner and deodorizer, for cleaning toilets
Where to buy Suppliers range
Cyndan Deodorant PDCB Blocks is an ideal urinal deodoriser. Categories: Toilet Chemical Additives, Campervan Chemicals, Toilet cleaners, RV Chemicals. Formerly Hi-Chem NZ. A1 Evolution
A1 Evolution
Non PDCB Deodorant Blocks - Urinal deodorizer blocks
Where to buy Suppliers range
Cyndan Non P.D.C.B. Deodorant Block is an advanced urinal cubes formulation, effective in cleaning and deodorising urinals. Categories: Urinal Cleaners, Toilet Urinal Blocks, Odour Control. Formerly Hi-Chem NZ. A1 Evolution
A1 Evolution
Walex Urinal blocks
Where to buy Suppliers range
Large 85g blocks with Cherry scent  available in Para and Non Para formulas. Categories: Sanitation Products Shorelink