Absorbent Boom NZ Suppliers

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18L Sock (2.4m) - Absorbent Socks and Booms 2.4 metres long .Used to contain a variety of spills and to protect stormwater catch pits. Categories: Spill Equipment, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spill Kits, Absorbent. Enviropro NZ
Auckland, Nationwide
9L Sock (1.2m) - Absorbent Socks and Booms 1.2 mtres long .Ana  fibre filled sock. Use to contain a variety of spills. Categories: Spill Equipment, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spill Kits, Absorbent. Enviropro NZ
Auckland, Nationwide
Absorbent Socks and Booms Enviropro carry a full range of containment socks, filtration socks and floating Oil booms in a range of lengths and absorbency capacity. For all industries including: Civil Infrastructure, Manufacturing and Marine. If you don’t see what you are after please feel free to reach out to us as we may have your solution. Categories: Spill Equipment, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spill Kits, Absorbents. Enviropro NZ
Auckland, Nationwide
Large Absorbent Boom - 3m x 125mm, 3m x 180mm, 6m x 125mm & 6m x 180mm Large Absorbent Boom - 3m x 125mm, 3m x 180mm, 6m x 125mm & 6m x 180mm Snap Hook Join Spill type: Absorbs oil, fuel, diesel, petrol & othe. Categories: Spill control equipment suppliers in NZ, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spill Kits NZ. Spill Control
Oil Boom B5 - Floating oil boom. 5in x 3m. - Absorbent Socks and Booms Floating oil boom. 5in x 3m. Used for containing Oil and fuel spills on water. Categories: Spill Equipment, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spill Kits, Absorbent. Enviropro NZ
Auckland, Nationwide
Oil Boom B8 - Floating oil boom. 8in x 3m. - Absorbent Socks and Booms Used to contain Oil and fuel spills on water. 3 metre lengths can be joined together to wrap around a large spill or to go across a wide water way. Will capture hydrocarbons and once spill contained within a circle works well in conjunction with Ana Fibre sprinkled on the top of the spill to absorb hydrocarbons. Categories: Spill Equipment, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spill Kits, Absorbent. Enviropro NZ
Auckland, Nationwide
Spill Control NZ New Zealand’s largest stockists of spill prevention and clean up equipment including: Drum Bunds, Spill Pallets, Portable Collapsible Bunding, Floor Bunding, Oil & Fuel Absorbents, Marine Spill Equipment, Oil Containment Booms, Universal & Chemical Absorbents, Industrial Oil Skimmers, Silt & Baffle Booms, Spill Response Training. sponsored Spill Control
Boom Reels Boom Reels Oil containment booms can be stored on reels for ease of deployment and recovery. Reels are built. Categories: Absorbent Booms, Spill control equipment suppliers in NZ, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spills on Water. Spill Control
Cube Boom Permanent Deployment Cube Boom Permanent Deployment Application: Cube Boom is an impervious, non absorbent floating boom for permanent . Categories: Spill control equipment suppliers in NZ, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spills on Water. Spill Control
Envirosorb GP Mini Boom - 1.2m x 7.5cm & 2.4m x 7.5cm Envirosorb GP Mini Boom - 1.2m x 7.5cm & 2.4m x 7.5cm Spill type: Absorbs all liquids including coolant, solvent, degreaser, paint,. Categories: Spill control equipment suppliers in NZ, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spill Kits, Mini Absorbent Boom. Spill Control
Envirosorb Mini Boom - 1.2m x 10cm Envirosorb Mini Boom - 1.2m x 10cm Spill type: Absorbs oil, fuel, diesel, petrol & other hydrocarbons. Categories: Spill Equipment suppliers in NZ, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spill Kits, Mini Absorbent Boom. Spill Control
Envirosorb Mini Boom - 1.2m x 7.5cm Envirosorb Mini Boom - 1.2m x 7.5cm Spill type: Absorbs oil, fuel, diesel, petrol & other hydrocarbons. Repel. Categories: Spill control equipment suppliers in NZ, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spill Kits, Mini Absorbent Boom. Spill Control
Envirosorb Mini Boom - 2.4m x 10cm Envirosorb Mini Boom - 2.4m x 10cm Spill type: Absorbs oil, fuel, diesel, petrol & other hydrocarbons. Repel. Categories: Spill Equipment suppliers in NZ, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spill Kits, Mini Absorbent Boom NZ. Spill Control
Envirosorb Mini Boom - 2.4m x 7.5cm Envirosorb Mini Boom - 2.4m x 7.5cm Spill type: Absorbs oil, fuel, diesel, petrol & other hydrocarbons. Repel. Categories: Spill control equipment suppliers in NZ, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spill Kits, Mini Absorbent Boom. Spill Control
Envirosorb Roll Regular Envirosorb Roll Regular 40m x 0.9m Spill type: Absorbs oil, fuel, diesel, petrol & other hy. Categories: Spill control equipment suppliers in NZ, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spills on Water, Absorbent Boom NZ. Spill Control
Envirosorb Roll - Regular Envirosorb Roll - Regular 40m x 1.1m Spill type: Absorbs oil, fuel, diesel, petrol & other hy. Categories: Spill control equipment suppliers in NZ, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spills on Water, Absorbent Boom. Spill Control
Fence Boom, 330mm height,PVC Fence Boom, 330mm height,PVC Application: Ideal emergency response containment boom for short term deployment i. Categories: Absorbent Booms, Spill Equipment suppliers in NZ, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spills on Water. Spill Control
Fence Boom, 600mm height, PVC Fence Boom, 600mm height, PVC Application: Ideal emergency response containment boom for short term deployment in calm. Categories: Absorbent Booms, Spill control equipment suppliers in NZ, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spills on Water. Spill Control
Fence Boom, 790mm height, PVC Fence Boom, 790mm height, PVC Application: Ideal emergency response containment boom for short term deployment in calm or . Categories: Absorbent Booms, Spill Equipment suppliers in NZ, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spills on Water. Spill Control
Global Peat Oil & Fuel Absorbent 12 litre (3kg) Bag Spill type: Absorbs oil, fuel, diesel, petrol and other hy. Categories: Spill control equipment suppliers in NZ, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spills on Water, Absorbent Boom NZ. Spill Control
Hydrocarbon Only Sweep - 30m x 43cm Hydrocarbon Only Sweep - 30m x 43cm Spill type: Absorbs oil, fuel, diesel, petrol & other hydrocarbons. Categories: Spill control equipment suppliers in NZ, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spills on Water, Absorbent Boom. Spill Control
Inflatable Fence Boom, 790mm height Inflatable Fence Boom, 790mm height Application: New generation patented oil containment boom. Has the rapid response characteris. Categories: Absorbent Booms, Spill Equipment suppliers in NZ, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spills on Water. Spill Control
Marine Boom. Absorbs oil, fuel, diesel, petrol & other hydrocarbons. Repels Water. Application: Heavy duty boom with protective mesh outer sleeve used to contain and absorb oil/fuel spills in bays, harbours, ponds, drains and to protect shorelines, riverbanks and jetties. Marine Boom. Absorbs oil, fuel, diesel, petrol & other hydrocarbons. Repels Water. Application: Heavy duty boom with protective mesh outer sleeve used to contain and absorb oil/fuel spills in bays, harbours, ponds, drains and to protect shorelines, riverbanks and jetties. Features: Heavy duty, emergency response absorbent boom., Knitted outer mesh sleeve provides tensile strength and UV protection in arduous conditions., Made from Envirosorb polypropylene oil/fuel only absorbent. Envirosorb is able to recover up to 20 times its own weight in oil and is highly water repellent (hydrophobic)., Tough, durable, non allergenic, non-hazardous and dust free., Boom has natural buoyancy and floats partially submerged when saturated with oil., Fast & simple easy lock rope-tie joiners supplied at each end of the boom allow multiple booms to be joined together. Joiners are positioned to allow a 300mm overlap between joins, reducing the potential for oil bypass., Can be squeezed and re-used., Simple and easy to use without the need for specialised PPE. Categories: Spill Equipment suppliers in NZ, Spill Control Containment Systems, Marine Spill Kits. Spill Control
Marine Booms Marine Booms Snap Hook Join Spill type: Absorbs oil, fuel, diesel, petrol &am. Categories: Spill control equipment suppliers in NZ, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spills on Water, Absorbent Boom NZ. Spill Control
Oil Boom Floating Oil Booms clip together to form a perimeter around a boat or oil spill on water. These booms are 3 metres in length and slightly overlap when clipped together. Available in two sizes - 12.7cmx3m and 20cmx3m. Categories: Absorbents, Spill Equipment, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spill Kits, Automotive, Building & Construction. Enviropro NZ
Auckland, Nationwide
Silt Boom 0.5-6.5 metre Silt Boom 0.5-6.5 metre Silt booms are available in a variety of sizes and materials and are made to order. Silt booms ha. Categories: Absorbent Boom, Spill control equipment suppliers in NZ, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spills on Water. Spill Control
Unisorb Sock - 0.6m x 6cm Unisorb Sock - 0.6m x 6cm Spill type: Absorbs most acids, bases, coolants, paints, solvents, oils and hazard. Categories: Spill control equipment suppliers in NZ, Spill Control Containment Systems, Spill Kits, Absorbent Boom NZ. Spill Control