A directory of where to buy chemicals in New Zealand including: distributors, industrial manufacturers, bulk supplies and wholesalers of raw ingredients & finished goods.
Deodorising Liquid for Vacuum tank exhaust systems. Air escaping the exhaust system comes into contact with the deodorising liquid and exhausts odour free. Categories: Commercial Odour Control, SANITISING & CLEANING PRODUCTS, Portable Toilet Chemicals & Sanitation Products, Removes bad odours from waste truck pump exhausts.
Vacu fresh Vac oil additive
Vacu fresh Vac oil additive add to the vacuum oil. Gives a cherry scent to escaping exhaust gases. Categories: Portable Toilet Chemicals & Sanitation Products, Removes bad odours from waste truck pump exhausts, SANITISING & CLEANING PRODUCTS, Commercial Odour Control.
Vacuum Bagging Resin
Category: Polyester Resin, Gelcoat and Flowcoat - Synthepol Resins and Valspar Gelcoats . NZ Fibreglass supplies RETAIL & TRADE customers with the full range of fibreglass & urethane equipment & materials. Categories: NZ Fibreglass (Fiberglass).
Vacuum Chamber w/Piezo Buzzer
Vacuum Chamber with Piezo Buzzer. A modern replacement for the traditional Bell Jar and Ringer. An acrylic chamber houses a battery-operated, high output piezo sounder. Vacuum pump not included. Group: Science equipment. Electroflash provides educational resources for schools and universities, enhancing teaching and learning in Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Technology.
Christchurch, Online
Vacuum Pump
Vacuum Pump with Pressure Gauge. Great for pressure and gravity experiments. This efficient Vacuum Pump produces less noise and vibration, while using less energy. Group: Science equipment. Electroflash provides educational resources for schools and universities, enhancing teaching and learning in Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Technology.
Christchurch, Online
Vacuum Pump - Hand type
Vacuum Pump Hand Operated with Gauge: 63.55mm hg can be obtained with 15cc/stroke and 7psi positive pressure. A very usefull item in Chemistry Vacuum Filtration.Physics Masgdeburg Hemispheres. Very Popular. Group: Science equipment. Electroflash provides educational resources for schools and universities, enhancing teaching and learning in Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Technology.
Christchurch, Online
Connects to water tap via rubber or plastic tubing (not supplied). Powerful suction for minimal water flow. Chromium plated brass body. Code: HE0377. Suppliers to schools & laboratories of science equipment & laboratory grade chemicals.
Science & Lab Supplies NZ
Vacuum Pump - Microscale
Vacuum Pump Microscale Apparatus. Students can now safely produce a vacuum in a small bell jar right at their lab stations. By reducing the pressure in the microscale bell jar, they can expand a balloon, boil warm water, see more: Group: Science equipment. Electroflash provides educational resources for schools and universities, enhancing teaching and learning in Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Technology.
Christchurch, Online
Vacuum Pump-Oil Free
Vacuum Pump-Oil Free (New). Low voltage DC operated system supplied with an adaptor working range from 100V to 240V. Use with the SCE-1003420 Bell Jar, Platform & Bell. Group: Science equipment. Electroflash provides educational resources for schools and universities, enhancing teaching and learning in Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Technology.
Christchurch, Online
A solid cast aluminium plate, 210mm diameter, with nozzle for attaching tubing to connect to A vacuum pump. - The plate is mounted on A heavy triangular cast iron base which has A stopcock incorporated. - Used for BELL IN JAR APPARATUS. etc. Code: HE0452. Suppliers to schools & laboratories of science equipment & laboratory grade chemicals.
Science & Lab Supplies NZ
Vacuum produced is ideal for experiments performed in the school science laboratory. - Speed of displacement (when pressure is 760 torr) - 0.5 litres per sec. - Ultimate vacuum (torr) - 5 x 10-4. - R. P. M. - 500, Power 0.18kW. - Fitted with centrally positioned handle for ease of carrying. We have sold many of these economically priced vacuum pumps over the years with complete customer satisfaction. Code: SWB0497. Suppliers to schools & laboratories of science equipment & laboratory grade chemicals.
Science & Lab Supplies NZ
Vacuum Tube Stand Set of 6
Vacuum Tube Stand Set of 6. A high quality set. Includes Wand. (Cross Scale) - Tubes to Decreasing Levels of Gas Pressure. Group: Science equipment, experiments. Electroflash provides educational resources for schools and universities, enhancing teaching and learning in Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Technology.
Christchurch, Online
Valadian Leather - Fragrance
Valadian Leather - Code: 4786. Fragrance Notes: Miscellaneous Scent. Flairoma Creative Perfumers. Suppliers of commercial & industrial Perfumes & Original Fragrances.. Category: Perfume Business to business B2B.
Valeo® 500SC
Valeo 500SC ® is a protectant fungicide , with activity against a range of diseases. Valeo has a low risk of resistance and has no cross-resistance to most commonly used fungicide chemical groups. It is effective against Speckled leaf blotch (Septoria tritici) in wheat and Scald in barley. It has multi-site activity and is a useful anti-resistance fungicide for use in wheat and barley. Group: Fungicides. Active ingredients: 500g/Litres folpet. Pack Size: 20 Litres. Crop Protection Solutions NZ. Categories: Agricultural Fungicides.
Auckland, Nationwide
Validus® 200EW
Validus ® contains the active ingredient myclobutanil - a systemic DMI fungicide which enters the plant rapidly upon application. Validus ® is a high-quality, proven EW formulation which offers a combination of excellent mixing advantages and low use rates. Group: Fungicides. Active ingredients: 200g/Litres myclobutanil. Pack Size: 1 Litres. Crop Protection Solutions NZ. Categories: Agricultural Fungicides.
Auckland, Nationwide
VANADIUM PENTOXIDE - Minimum Quantities Apply
Vanadium Pentoxide. Consolidated Chemicals premier suppliers of specialist chemical products in New Zealand. SUPPLIERS TO BUSINESS CUSTOMERS ONLY.
VANADIUM SULPHIDE - Minimum Quantities Apply
Vanadium Sulphide. Consolidated Chemicals premier suppliers of specialist chemical products in New Zealand. SUPPLIERS TO BUSINESS CUSTOMERS ONLY.
Van de Graaff accessory kit
A set of 7x Van De Graaff Accessories, VDG. The set is: Insulated cylinder with conductive pith balls plugs into socket on terminal and balls vibrate Faraday pail for electrostatic experiments. Group: Science equipment, experiments. Electroflash provides educational resources for schools and universities, enhancing teaching and learning in Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Technology.
Christchurch, Online
Van de Graaff Generator 250mm
Van De Graaff Generator 250mm IEC. Group: Science equipment, experiments. Electroflash provides educational resources for schools and universities, enhancing teaching and learning in Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Technology.
Christchurch, Online
Van de Graaff Generator 400KV
Van de Graaff Generator SE This large generator 240V is powered via power supply or hand crank ( supplied). Spark 100mm length, 400KV when fully charged. Group: Science equipment, experiments. Electroflash provides educational resources for schools and universities, enhancing teaching and learning in Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Technology.
Christchurch, Online
Van de Graaff Generator HO Small
Van de Graaff Generator. Hand Operated Small IEC. Group: Science equipment, experiments. Electroflash provides educational resources for schools and universities, enhancing teaching and learning in Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Technology.
Christchurch, Online
Entirely new design. - Output voltage up to 400kV (75mm spark) in ideal conditions. - Short circuit current approx. 20uA. - Stands 730mm high. - Dome diameter 280mm. - Discharge ball 80mm diameter. - Belt is very easy to replace and has A simple belt tension adjustment. - Instructions for setting up, adjustment and principle of operation notes are included. - Replacement belt for this VDG is IEC 2160. * For more belt information, see VDG - BELT REPLACEMENT * For VDG prepping information, see VDG - TESTING & PREPARING FOR USE A MOTOR DRIVEN VDG.. Suppliers to schools & laboratories of science equipment.
Science & Lab Supplies NZ
Van de Graaff Large 300mmVS-IEC
Van de Graaff Large 300mm Variable Speed IEC This 300mm diameter Van De Graaff is a special model with a special large ball for customers that must have the biggest. Group: Science equipment, experiments. Electroflash provides educational resources for schools and universities, enhancing teaching and learning in Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Technology.
Christchurch, Online
Van de Graaff Lightning Leaper
Van de Graaff Lightning Leaper Accessory. SEDemonstrates discharge by leaping across metal strips laid flat with gaps. Impressive sparks. Group: Science equipment, experiments. Electroflash provides educational resources for schools and universities, enhancing teaching and learning in Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Technology.
Christchurch, Online
Van de Graaff-Lionet brand
Van de Graaff Generator Small. This unit operates from a student power supply and generates a very powerful spark. Low cost. 40kV The teachers that have seen this unit are very impressed with the quality and the output. Group: Science equipment, experiments. Electroflash provides educational resources for schools and universities, enhancing teaching and learning in Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Technology.
Christchurch, Online
Vandia® 250EC
Vandia ® is a systemic fungicide, with proven efficacy against white rot in onions, as well as diseases of other crops. It offers both systemic and residual activity to protect the crop from infection. Group: Fungicides. Active ingredients: 250g/Litres triadimenol. Pack Size: 5 Litres. Crop Protection Solutions NZ. Categories: Agricultural Fungicides.
Auckland, Nationwide
Vanilla , General-purpose spray deodoriser for the immediate odour control of stale tobacco, food and other offensive odours. Product Category Automotive Car Fragrance. Buy car grooming products in 5 ltr, 20 ltr 200 ltr and some products available in 1000 ltrs sizes. Auto Shine Car Care Products NZ, sell car detailing products in NZ.
We sell Professional Car Cleaning Products and are Automotive Car Fragrance suppliers in NZ. Buy Automotive Car Fragrances and take advantage of our 24 hour nationwide delivery, including Auckland, Gisborne, Napier Hastings, Palmerston North, Wellington, Christchurch, Hamilton, Nelson, Rotorua, Whanganui, Dunedin, Invercargill, New Plymouth, Tauranga & Whangarei. AutoShine Products
Nationwide based in Manawatu
Vanilla & Honey - Fragrance
Vanilla & Honey - Code: 5388. Fragrance Notes: Vanilla Scent. Flairoma Creative Perfumers. Suppliers of commercial & industrial Perfumes & Original Fragrances.. Category: Perfume Business to business B2B.
Vanilla Nova - Fragrance
Vanilla Nova - Code: 5750. Fragrance Notes: Vanilla Scent. Flairoma Creative Perfumers. Suppliers of commercial & industrial Perfumes & Original Fragrances.. Category: Perfume Business to business B2B.
VANILLIN - Minimum Quantities Apply
Vanillin. Consolidated Chemicals premier suppliers of specialist chemical products in New Zealand. SUPPLIERS TO BUSINESS CUSTOMERS ONLY.
Vanillium - Fragrance
Vanillium - Code: 4882. Fragrance Notes: Vanilla Scent. Flairoma Creative Perfumers. Suppliers of commercial & industrial Perfumes & Original Fragrances.. Category: Perfume Business to business B2B.
Vanillyl Butyl Ether
Vanillyl Butyl Ether. Categories: Personal Care and Cosmetics Ingredients. Contact for more details and pricing. Alternative Names: vanillyl butyl ether; 82654-98-6.
For mite control on avocados, pipfruit, indoor tomatoes, strawberries, and ornamentals and for leafroller control on kiwifruit. Active Ingredient: 18g/litre abamectin. Categories: Agricultural Chemicals, Crop Protection, Insecticides.. Widely respected manufacturer of quality innovative chemistry for both the agricultural and horticultural markets. Formerly Zelam.
ARXADA formerly Lonza NZ, Zelam
VaporGard - Protect crops from weather damage and improve fruit quality.
Features: Natural biodegradable short-chained polymer, Lasts 2-4 months after application, Water emulsifiable, Protects apples and persimmons from sun damage, Protects pipfruit like apples and cherries from cracking and splitting, Protects watermelons from sunburn and encourages the leaf cover growth, Provides an anti-transpirant coat on fruit trees and leaves, turf and ornamentals, Relieves drought and transplant stress though improved moisture management, Greater water utilisation means higher calcium levels in your fruit, , Improves fruit colour, especially in red varieties, Reduces the effects of windchill and cold desiccation, Gives protection from frost if applied 24 hours earlier, Timely applications provide protection for new growth, Improves storage life when applied before harvest, Suitable as a dip for grafted grape vines. Contains 904g/litre di-1-p-menthene. Categories: Adjuvants, Agricultural Chemicals, Vapor Guard.
Variable Sub.Box Capacitance
Variable Capacitor Box 1uF-1000uF 63V. Get rid of all those individual capacitors and stop having to look for suitable sizes when doing charge/discharge graphs. This Variable Capacitor Box can ideally be paired with the Variable Resistor Box SCE-200902. Group: Science equipment. Electroflash provides educational resources for schools and universities, enhancing teaching and learning in Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Technology.
Christchurch, Online
Variable Substitution Box Resistance
Variable Substitution Box-Resistance 47E to 470K 1W. A useful resistor range suitable for many applications especially in Senior Physics. Desiigned to complement the Variable Capacitor Box SCE-200900. Group: Science equipment, experiments. Electroflash provides educational resources for schools and universities, enhancing teaching and learning in Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Technology.
Christchurch, Online
Varicur® 450EW
Varicur ® 450EW is a member of the imidazole group of fungicides and is highly effective against Anthracnose in Avocados, Scald in Barley and Septoria Leaf Blotch and Ear diseases in Wheat. The active ingredient in Varicur ® 450EW - prochloraz - shows translaminar mobility. Group: Fungicides. Active ingredients: 450g/Litres prochloraz. Pack Size: 10 Litres. Crop Protection Solutions NZ. Categories: Agricultural Fungicides.
Auckland, Nationwide
Varitip P (100pcs)
Varitips P, to remove liquid from smaller vessels, 100 pieces. The Eppendorf Varitip P is designed for aspirating 1 mL to 10 mL, from beakers. Categories: Laboratory Consumables, Pipette TIPS and Adaptors, Eppendorf Special Tips. Brand Eppendorf. SKU EP0030048130. ID 6439
Medical & Lab Supplies
Varitip S Dispensing part (30pcs)
The Eppendorf Varitip S for 2.5 mL to 10 mL forms a system with the Varitip and is used for aspirating liquid from tall, narrow-necked vessels. 30 pieces. The system consists of a dispensing part and Maxitips. No carry-over as Maxitip is exchanged. Categories: Laboratory Consumables, Pipette TIPS and Adaptors, Eppendorf Special Tips. Brand Eppendorf. SKU EP0030050533. ID 6431
Medical & Lab Supplies
Varitip S Maxitip (200pcs)
Eppendorf Varitips S, graduated, 200 pieces. Varitip S for aspirating 2.5ml to 10ml out of high, narrow neck vessels (Air displacement tips). No carry-over as Maxitip is exchanged. Valve for the maxitip ensures the drip-free dispensing of liquids with high vapour pressure. Categories: Laboratory Consumables, Pipette TIPS and Adaptors, Eppendorf Special Tips. Brand Eppendorf. SKU EP0030050568. ID 6427
Medical & Lab Supplies
Varitip S Valve (100pcs)
Eppendorf Varitips S valve, 100 pieces. Varitip S for aspirating 2.5ml to 10ml out of high, narrow neck vessels (Air displacement tips). No carry-over as Maxitip is exchanged. Valve for the maxitip ensures the drip-free dispensing of liquids with high vapour pressure. Categories: Laboratory Consumables, Pipette TIPS and Adaptors, Eppendorf Special Tips. Brand Eppendorf. SKU EP0030050541. ID 6429
Medical & Lab Supplies
VARNASORB. Uses: Powdered ac for vegetable oil purification, oleo chemicals, sugar, msg. etc. Group: Activated Carbon. Grades: Multiple Grades Avilable.
VDS system with Long track
VDS system with Long track. Group: Vernier science education. Electroflash provides educational resources for schools and universities, enhancing teaching and learning in Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Technology.
Christchurch, Online
VE-Ammonium ion Replacemnt mod
VE-Ammonium ion Replacemnt mod. Group: Vernier science education. Electroflash provides educational resources for schools and universities, enhancing teaching and learning in Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Technology.
Christchurch, Online
Ve-Calcium ion replcemnt mod
Ve-Calcium ion replcemnt mod. Group: Vernier science education. Electroflash provides educational resources for schools and universities, enhancing teaching and learning in Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Technology.
Christchurch, Online
Vectobac WG - Make controlling mosquitoes and sand-flies easy.
Vectobac is organic and harmless to humans, animals, birds and fish but lethal to many pest and disease carrying insects. Categories: Insecticides, Organic horticultural & pest control products, Domestic, Home & Workplace Pest Control, Agricultural Chemicals.
VEEGUM - Minimum Quantities Apply
Veegum. Consolidated Chemicals premier suppliers of specialist chemical products in New Zealand. SUPPLIERS TO BUSINESS CUSTOMERS ONLY.
Vega ® is a selective post-emergence herbicide for annual and perennial grass control in broadleaf crops and forestry. Vega ® is the proven grass weed herbicide that you can rely on. It is highly effective on a wide range of grass species, including wild oats, poa annua and ryegrasses. It is also highly systemic and rapidly rainfast. Group: Herbicides. Active ingredients: 240g/Litres clethodim. Chemical Group: Cyclohexanedione. Formulation: Emulsifiable concentrate. Pack Size: 5 and 20 Litres. Crop Protection Solutions NZ. Categories: Agricultural Herbicides.
Auckland, Nationwide
Vegan Flavours
Vegan Flavours. Caldic NZ Full service distributor of solutions for food ingredients, health care and industrial market suppliers. Food science based sales force.
Vegan ingredients
Vegan ingredients. Caldic NZ Full service distributor of solutions for food ingredients, health care and industrial market suppliers. Food science based sales force.
Vegan margarine
Vegan margarine, Vegan butter. Caldic NZ Full service distributor of solutions for food ingredients, health care and industrial market suppliers. Food science based sales force.
VE GDX Dynamics Cart Sys LONG
VE GDX Dynamics Cart Sys LONG. Group: Vernier science education. Electroflash provides educational resources for schools and universities, enhancing teaching and learning in Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Technology.
Christchurch, Online
Ve GDX Mini Gas Chromatograph
Ve GDX Mini Gas Chromatograph. Group: Vernier science education. Electroflash provides educational resources for schools and universities, enhancing teaching and learning in Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Technology.
Christchurch, Online
VE GDX Nitrate ISE BNC. Group: Vernier science education. Electroflash provides educational resources for schools and universities, enhancing teaching and learning in Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Technology.
Christchurch, Online
VE-GDX-Spectrophotomtr UV-VIS
VE-GDX-Spectrophotomtr UV-VIS. Group: Vernier science education. Electroflash provides educational resources for schools and universities, enhancing teaching and learning in Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Technology.
Christchurch, Online
VE-GDX UV Spectrophotometer
VE-GDX UV Spectrophotometer. Group: Vernier science education. Electroflash provides educational resources for schools and universities, enhancing teaching and learning in Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Technology.
Christchurch, Online
Coconut Derived. Raw Materials Extracts & Healing
Online, Nationwide, Hawkes Bay
Vegetable Glycerine, Organic
Vegetable Glycerine, Organic. Group: Humectants. Alternative Names: Glycerol. Pack Sizes: 500g, 1kgs, 6kg, 24kg. Shop online for our extensive range of personal care and cosmetic ingredients.
Buy Online, Auckland
Organic. Raw Materials Extracts & Healing
Online, Nationwide, Hawkes Bay
Palm Derived. Raw Materials Extracts & Healing
Online, Nationwide, Hawkes Bay
Vegetable Glycerine, Refined - Palm-Free
Vegetable Glycerine, Refined - Palm-Free. Group: Humectants. Alternative Names: Glycerol. Pack Sizes: 1kgs, 6kg, 24kg. Extensive range of personal care and cosmetic ingredients online.
Buy Online, Auckland
Plant based Lanolin. Raw Materials Extracts & Healing
Online, Nationwide, Hawkes Bay
Vegetable oils and paint driers
Vegetable oils & paint driers. Minimum Qty 25 KGS. Coatings. Suppliers To Business Customers Only.
Vegetable Oils - Cosmetic
Vegetable Oils - Cosmetic, Wide range of high-quality vegetable (carrier) oils for cosmetic use, and as ingredient in moisturisers, creams, balms. Most from 60ml to 5 Litre. Go Native New Zealand also supplies a large range of Essential Oils, Vegetable Oils, Cosmetic Butters, Waxes, Fragrance Oils.
Online, Nationwide
Vegetable petrolatum
Vegetable petrolatum. Vegetable petrolatum 25 kg, 200kgs options avaible. Contact for more details and pricing.
Vegetable Petrolatum
Vegetable Petrolatum, INCI: Ricinus communis (castor) seed oil (and) hydrogenated castor oil (and) Copernicia cerifera (carnauba) wax (and) beeswax. Ecocert-approved Vaseline alternative. Conditioning agent, water resistant, skincare ingredient. Small quantities: 100g, 250g, 500g, 1kg. Categories: Moisturisers, Emollients. Go Native New Zealand also supplies a large range of Essential Oils, Vegetable Oils, Cosmetic Butters, Waxes, Fragrance Oils.
Online, Nationwide
Vegetable Petrolatum
Vegetable Petrolatum. Group: DIY Bases. Alternative Names: Canola Oil, Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil, Polyhydroxystearic Acid, Euphorbia Cerifera (Candelilla) Wax, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Wax, Tocopheryl Acetate. Pack Sizes: 100gm, 250g, 500g, 1kgs. Shop online for our extensive range of personal care and cosmetic ingredients.
Buy Online, Auckland
Vegetable powders
Vegetable powders. Various options available including Mushroom powders. Contact for options, details & pricing.
Vegetable proteins
pea protein powder, soy protein powder. Uses: Dietary supplements, food ingredients. South Ingredients NZ.
VEGETABLE TURPS (Turpentine). Consolidated Chemicals premier suppliers of specialist chemical products in New Zealand. SUPPLIERS TO BUSINESS CUSTOMERS ONLY.