Find where to buy products from suppliers in NZ, including: distributors, manufacturers, bulk supplies and wholesalers of raw ingredients & finished goods.
IVS contributes to the protection of New Zealand from incursions of unwanted pests and diseases that can occur through the import process. IVS works with treatment providers, facilitating approval of treatments and the timely release of goods through border security. The IVS team are specialists in biosecurity treatment and assist treatment providers with supervision services or gaining approval to operate under the MPI-approved treatment supplier programme. Services include: Systems evaluation, Onsite audit of systems and recommendation to MPI, Treatment supervision for imports and exports, ISPM 15 timber packaging approval. Categories: SeaContainers Inspections, SeaContainersServices, Biosecurity Services
Auckland, Hamilton
CBAFF Advanced Customs Tariff Classification ~ Chemicals Training
CBAFF Customs Courses - This course covers methods to accurately classify difficult goods, easily decipher specification sheets, interpret and satisfy your client needs and minimise the risk of legal penalties. This course is specifically designed for customs staff with a basic or intermediate level of experience in tariff classification. Categories: SeaContainersServices
Auckland, Hamilton
Export Certification
What is export certification and what do I need to do for forestry/timber products? Export certification is the process required to raise a phytosanitary certificate (Phyto E-Cert) and includes the inspection and treatment of consignments where necessary. A phytosanitary certificate is an official government document that gives government-to-government assurance the correct procedures and processes have been undertaken, to provide certainty consignments are free of contaminants, have been inspected and are verified by an independent verification agency such as IVS. Categories: SeaContainers Inspections, Exporting Services, SeaContainersServices, Transitional Facility Services.
Auckland, Hamilton
Exporting from New Zealand
What do I need to do to export plants or forestry products from New Zealand? To export plants or forest products from New Zealand, you must have a verified phytosanitary certificate. A phytosanitary certificate (Phyto E-Cert) is a certificate of compliance that provides government-to-government assurance that the plants or forest products meet the Importing Countries Phytosanitary Requirements (ICPRs). To obtain a Phyto E-Cert, the products must be inspected to ensure they are free from the pests, diseases or contamination, as specified by the importing Country. Categories: Exporting Services, SeaContainersServices, Transitional Facility Services.
Auckland, Hamilton
How to import seacontainers
What do I need to do to meet the biosecurity requirements of importing commodity goods into New Zealand? To receive imported goods directly to your premises in New Zealand, your business must be approved and operating under processes and procedures as set by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)*. MPI administers the New Zealand biosecurity system and sets regulations to protect the welfare of New Zealanders, our environment and our international trade relationships. Categories: SeaContainers Inspections, SeaContainersServices, Transitional Facility Services, Import Services.
Auckland, Hamilton
Introduction to International Freight Forwarding - Training Courses
International Freight Forwarding is a constant changing environment. Understanding how it all works can be confusing. This introductory course covers all aspects of the process involved in moving goods internationally. Learn what is required, what documents you need, where to get them from, and what to expect. Risks and avoiding them through sensible forward management. Importers and exporters will benefit by understanding all requirements and will be in a position to save money on forwarding services, whilst those engaged in International Freight Forwarding will be better informed. Who should attend - Importers or Exporters, Operations, Sales people or Amin staff in Freight Forwarding, Job seekers. Categories: SeaContainers, SeaContainersServices.
Auckland, Hamilton
MPI Accredited Person Training - Biosecurity Training
At the front line of the biosecurity chain, keeping New Zealand free from unwanted pests and diseases, are trained Accredited Persons (AP's). AP's are responsible for checking and managing contamination risks associated with imported seacontainers. All Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI - formerly MAF) approved transitional facilities for seacontainers must have access to one or more AP's. Having their own staff as AP's helps businesses avoid delays or extra charges when clearing goods. Categories: SeaContainers Inspections, SeaContainersServices.
Conduct container checks in a truly professional manner with an IVS Sea Container Inspection Pack (SCIP), to instil confidence in your biosecurity operations for your customers and regulators. Sea Container Inspection Pack (SCIP) contains: Accredited Person Safety Vest x 1, Biosecurity Waste Bags x 6, Equipment Decals x 10, Safety Cone Warning Sleeves x 2, Telescopic Inspection Mirror x 1. Categories: SeaContainers Inspections, SeaContainersServices, Transitional Facility Services, Biosecurity Services, Import Services.
Auckland, Hamilton
Transitional Facility Operator Training - Biosecurity Training
All Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI - formerly MAF) approved transitional facilities must have a certified Transitional Facility Operator (TFO), and in some cases a Deputy TFO, to maintain overall responsibility for biosecurity activities at their business. A TFO is the designated person whose name appears on the MPI "Certificate of Approval as a Transitional Facility and Operator". Categories: SeaContainers Inspections, SeaContainersServices, Biosecurity Services.
Auckland, Hamilton
Transitional Facility Signage
Transitional Facility signs should be placed in appropriate areas, such as entrance ways within your facility. It is important you have signs that are compliant, as these will be checked during your next MPI audit. Simply choose from one of our three pre-approved layouts. Categories: SeaContainers Inspections, SeaContainersServices, Transitional Facility Services, Import Services.
Auckland, Hamilton
Transitional Facility Support
The Biosecurity Support Programme offers an ongoing partnership between Transitional Facilities and IVS, your biosecurity solutions provider. Annual membership to the programme helps ensure business continuity with full access to our experienced biosecurity team who work with you to produce your operating procedures, gain and maintain transitional facility approval, future proof procedures, improve systems and put biosecurity into plain language everyone can understand. Categories: SeaContainers Inspections, SeaContainersServices, Transitional Facility Services, Import Services.